Organizational Development (OD)

Organizational Development (OD)


For many years our Client had been operating with a work design focused on efficiency rather than flexibility. Their organizational structure appeared very rigid. Workflows and role designs unable to meet current fast-changing environment. Employees were exhibiting different forms of friction in workplace. A lack of defined processes, an increasing yet chaotic workload, many overlapping functions leading to duplication of work, waste of energy and resources and affecting morale, coupled with long lead-times to secure any approvals for any new project – were factors that were crippling our Client’s organization and threatening its survival. These were some of root causes that generated high staff turn-over, increased production costs and poor customer service.


To regain control and turn the business around.


We worked in close partnership with our Client to develop and implement effective organizational design strategies which secured responsiveness at scale across the workforce and helped build organizational flexibility. We offered clarity by designing and delivering a variety of OD solutions and outcomes. We aligned work design with the way work should happen. We made adjustments that clarified work design boundaries to improve prioritization of effort.  We moved resourcing decisions closer to end users, helping them rewrite and evaluate job descriptions to fit roles (not people). We grouped functions in line with latest market needs and aligned governance mechanisms so that each touchpoint was able to support other(s) within a smoother ecosystem. By deploying a variety of interventions and by adhering to most sensitive principles of change management, we helped our Client achieve their critical turn-around. Employees bought into new company strategy and acted together in pursuit of common goals and objectives.


The blend of solutions were successfully deployed and business was safely turned around with the added value of introduction of repeatable and reliable best practices and standards.